The Day I saw my Daughter's Face

Wednesday January 31st, I noticed a missed call
around 1:15 in the afternoon. I was at work and I saw my phone showing the city
and state of my agency. My heart jumped into my throat. I quickly called the
number and announced I was returning a call.
“Oh yes! We were wondering if you would be interested in
volunteering for Holt!” My face became red and I could feel the heat steaming
out of my ears.
“Are you kidding me?! I’m been expecting a call to be
matched and your calling about this?! I’m so sorry but I’m busy and I’ll have
to call you back”. I hung up the phone and returned to my desk. I feel so bad
for the sweet lady on the phone as I know I was rude, but I almost died when I
saw that number.
I sat back down and now notice I have a voicemail……..
It was the voice of the agency’s director. The voice of the
lady who always calls each family when they have been matched. She left the
CORRECT number I should have called. Oops!
Running back into the exam room I quickly call her back.
Every month we have a conference call and her voice is the
one I hear. My mind is spinning but I feel like this is just another
conference. She talks about our child and the special needs she has and being
at work I’m thinking I’m talking about a patient so I’m not fully understanding
this is finally THE call.
At least a minute goes by and I interrupt her.
“Did you just say I have a daughter?”
“Yes Jessica, you have a daughter”
I grabbed my heart, my pounding aching heart. Kneeling over
the counter, the tears poured out. My legs became numb.
I have a Daughter.
She told me to catch my breath and I attempted to do so.
She stated She knew I was a nurse and thought I would
recognize the care our daughter would need.
“Yes! I am a nurse! And I need to take care of my patients
can I call you right back?!?!?”
I ran out of the room asking another nurse to call our
supervisor and have someone replace me as I had a family emergency. Shaking
profusely, I slowly managed to collect my breath and my wobbling legs and made
my way to the parking lot.
That cold winter Wisconsin day I sat for the next 30 minutes
in my car listening to this woman tell me about my daughter. Her name, her age,
where she was born, where she lives. What she likes and how amazing and strong
she is waiting for her mom and dad.
After the call she said an email would be on it's way of her file and her
pictures. I made my way to the store and honestly, I don’t know how I got there
because all I could do was try to picture my little girl. I ran in and gathered
an abundant amount of red and pink helium balloons. By this time, I have now
gathered the condition of Tourette’s.
“I HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!”
I literally screamed in the cashier’s face as she was
ringing me up. She smiled and could tell I was beyond excited. Tears came again,
and I shared our adoption story. They were kind and wished us all the
Getting home I had 1 hour until Jeff would arrive. Arranging
her room, I rushed to my computer to look at that beautiful face. I couldn’t
wait one more minute and Jeff agrees he wouldn’t have waited either.
Unlocking the files, she appears on my screen. My tears
slowly roll down my cheek and the first thing I could say out loud was…..She’s
God is so good! Let me explain how awesome and how amazing His
love is for us.
Every night for 2 years Jeff and I prayed for our little
one. Lord we pray they feel safe, they feel loved. They are happy and they are
fed and warm.
From blogs and friends and online I’ve seen the pictures of
the children waiting in those places. Empty eyes and blank faces. I've dreamt of
this moment and was also terrified of it. How was I to look at my child’s face
and see the sadness in her eyes, and not be able to do anything for her for
months to come!
The first picture I see of my daughter is a picture of her
smiling. She is SMILING.
God gave me the gift of this little girl and gave the gift
any parent would every hope for. He gave me the sense that she is Loved she is
Happy and she is Safe.
My heart is so thankful for that photo.
Jeff comes home, and I hide any evidence. I collect myself
and stay in the kitchen so that I don’t look too excited that he’s home. He
spends time taking off his shoes and my whole body is buzzing. My fit bit shows
me my heart rate is 108.
“Hey babe I got a cute sign that needs to be hung” He Hates
putting things on the walls.
“Are you kidding me? Ugh…”
Oh, my goodness I am just dying.
“Yes, please it’s so cute and it’s in the kid’s room. Please
put it up so the animals don’t wreck it.”
I follow him up the stairs, he opens the door.
The balloons have filled her room and he stops. Turning
towards me he realizes we have gotten the call. Verifying it’s a girl all I
could do was nod my head with tears pouring out. Holding one another we spent
the rest of the night sitting in her room and looking at her photos and videos.
He says she’s perfect.
The day I saw my daughters face I stepped into another
universe. She is real, and she is waiting for us. The longing, the waiting, the
paperwork seems like NOTHING, all to be able to look at that precious little
girl and know I get love her the rest of my life.
I wake up in the morning afraid it was all a dream and I
rush to my phone to look at her face. Other times I put my phone away to not
distract me from looking at her, then I feel guilty I'm here and she's there......and I look at her photo again.
What’s the amount of tears a human can produce? Will I ever
run out?
On the way to his grandparents home this weekend we spoke
about the moment we decided to adopt. How terrifying and scared we were of the
unknown. We held our faith and poured our trust in God to heal our pain.
Through my years of living with infertility, Jeff and I walked some of the
darkest and scariest moments of our lives. God offered his love to us, but
Jeff and I could not be forced. We had to commit, we had to agree, we had to fight.
We had to ask ourselves if we were doing everything we could possibly be doing
for our child. We reminded ourselves one day our child might ask us if we were
ever scared once and what we did when we felt we couldn’t go on. We realized
what we needed to do. We walked in the dark of the unknown and allowed God to
grow us into the Christians, the parents we were meant to be. He asked us to
trust His plan. We placed our child in our hearts and we carried her there
every second of every day. She gave us strength. Aubrey, you gave us hope.
Aubrey, we Fought for you and loved you before you were
born, before we even knew of you, you were so loved. God is keeping you safe
until we can hold you in our arms. Be brave little one.
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