Dont Move on, Move forward
Grieving is hard to understand, hard to go through, hard to
watch others suffer through and hard to accept.
All of us have grieved a loss one time or another, over a loved one, a
relationship, over our beloved animal. There are those items we may not think of
as grieving which could be the loss of a job, a house in a fire, the inability
to continue college in order to take care of the family, or receiving an injury
keeping you from your job or hobbies.
Everyone has their
ways of going through the process whether it’s seeking help from others,
choosing to be alone, or taking on habits good or bad. You can never push
someone to talk to you and you can’t always help, it’s not your job.
Understanding what someone is going through is beyond our grasp. We can try to
imagine what they are going through or even have a similar situation we have been through, but the only
person who can comprehend the grief is the person who is actually grieving. All
we can do is be there for them if they ask.

Through my process of infertility specialists, tests, and
office visits everyone was so uplifting with high spirits and was always encouraging. That’s our habit and our in our first nature. I do it all the time with
my patients, friends and family. If we were all Debbie downers there would
be too much negativity in the world and we don’t need any more of that.

I remember a story my grandpa once told me when I was young
about the two frogs who fell in a hole. As much and as hard as their little
legs would jump they would just miss the top of the hole falling back down into
the dark dirty pit. Their group of friends were shouting at them to give up! “You’ll
never make it! Stop jumping and just give up”. One frog quit shortly after while
the other jumped and jumped until finally he made it to the top and on safe
ground. The frogs were surprised and asked why he didn’t just give up like they
told him to. The frog that made it was confused “I have bad hearing and I
couldn’t make out what you said, I thought you were encouraging me and telling
me to fight, so I never gave up”.
Believing in someone allows that person to believe in themselves. Give that person every reason to try, to fight harder to take all of statistics, facts, doubts and throw it out the window. Give that person power to help them be stronger.
Believing in someone allows that person to believe in themselves. Give that person every reason to try, to fight harder to take all of statistics, facts, doubts and throw it out the window. Give that person power to help them be stronger.
All those inspiring, promising statements that were given to
me when Jeff and I were trying, I am truly thankful for. I had one in particular that
came from a nurse who roomed me in Milwaukee on my first day. She told me how
she first was a patient there going through what I was going through and she
soon became pregnant with the treatments. Shortly after became a nurse to help those
who were suffering the same diagnosis. I remember crying cause for the first
time I thought. Ok! This will work! I will get pregnant. Well as we know two
years later that didn’t happen. What I wish actually would have happened that
day was this. After I met with the first nurse, I would have gone into another
room, similar to the first, a desk, a chair, a plant on the tablet next to some
magazines with cute little babies on the cover and a nurse. Not the same
through, this nurse would have been different. She would have held my hand
looked into my eyes and said “You might get pregnant, you might not. Not matter
what happens, you are strong, you are worthy and you will get through this and
you will be ok.”
I know if that actually happen I probably would have been shocked
and thought geez lady! Any woman who fights to become pregnant finds it hard, to
see her path differently. At that time in my life, I wanted and needed to get pregnant
and I wasn’t accepting any other way. Not giving birth to my child made me feel
ashamed. Something was wrong with me and it was not right or ok that I needed
help, when other women didn’t. It made me feel weak, a failure, and I turned to
the rainy, no vacation days, lack of ice cream, kind of days. I turned to
emptiness and I allowed myself to stay there.
Those were the toughest days of my life and I cry as I write
this because I wish that upon no one. Not the feeling of doubt in one self nor
the feeling of being a childless mother. It came to a point where I needed to
accept I won’t ever carry a child, and either give up or start fighting for the child that
was waiting for me.

Today, I am fortunate enough to know next year We will fly
to China and hold our little one in our arms and whisper I love you in their
soft tiny ear. Today I am a stronger person who knows I am worthy. I will not
let my diagnosis take over my life and control my future. I will live the life
I was given because I am strong enough to live it. I will dare to take on challenges.
I believe in myself. I dance in the kitchen, I sing at work, (ask my coworkers)
and I will someday dance and sing with my child.
It didn’t matter the amount of times I heard this from my
friends, family or husband. I was the one who needed to believe in myself. You
are the only one who can fight on the inside and remove the pain. You are the
only one who can allow yourself to be loved! It’s ok if the pain still lingers,
it’s not easy to forget somedays for me, we are only human. I wish I could tell
you a light bulb goes on or you wake up one day feeling simply at peace, but it
takes time. Every day after you will need to forgive yourself, and allow yourself
to live.
“When You walked upon the earth, You healed the broken lost
and hurt. I know You hate to see me cry, one day You will set all things right.
Yeah, one day You will set all things right. When my world is shaking, Heaven
stands. When my heart is breaking. I never leave Your hands” -J.J Heller
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