What to Expect When You're Expecting.....The Call

So, I do this thing where I sing. When I’m doing chores, when I’m at work, when I'm running….name the place and time and I’m there…singing. It all started in a car. I’m sure you’ve been there.
 You’re waiting in traffic heading towards somewhere you need to be and if you’re like me you’re probably running late. So I sit there in this horrible traffic when I rather be anywhere else just staring at the bumper a head of me, then down at my clock and back at the car again. Instead of getting road rage, I crank the radio. Some days I even have my 90’s zippered CD binder. Oh you know the one.  I whip out a mix CD to jam out to, the car in the lane next to me could turn at any minute to find me enjoying my outrageous production of Rent.  So that’s what I do, when I wait and can’t do anything about how slow I’m going or can’t change the red lights to green, I sing. Give me some Whitney Houston and I’ll forget I’m even waiting in the car.

If you think about it We spend most of our day waiting. Waiting in our local coffee shop, or a drive thru perhaps at meal times. Doctors office. On the phone waiting on hold. Then there’s the bathroom, the copy machine, the elevator. We wait in line, wait for dinner, wait for the rain to stop.

Some are waiting for a promotion! Some wait for an engagement.

There are those waiting for their spouse to be home from deployment.

Those whose kids are at college.

Some wait for retirement!

Some for love.


A friend

An opportunity.

Right now at every moment of my day, I’m waiting for The Call.

July first our Dossier was sent and approved by China. Two months have gone by each uniting waiting families with children and matching little ones with forever families. Jeff and I were told we could wait up until 10 months to be matched. So I guess I can say 2 down 8 more to go?

So what should you expect when you're expecting the call?

You can expect a choice.

I’m going to try to describe the phases I went through when we were going through the infertility challenge. This is one way I could go about waiting for the call.

You surround your life around The call. You consume your mind and refuse to allow any object to distract you. Waiting to get pregnant became a fight  and a struggle as we played the waiting game. It’s an awful game to play and I recommend you stay far far away from it. When you wait and focus on one thing no matter big or small you agree to let it devour you. I didn’t know it at the time but I put my life on pause….for 4 years. Every month I waited and when I didn’t get what I asked for, I didn’t move on. I felt bad for myself.

There are points in our lives that something so drastic could happen, something that could change our lives forever. We wait for something we think we need to make our lives better. We have an answer as to how to fix our lives and we wait for it to happen.

During this process, I began to miss out on things. I didn’t go to events, missed friend gatherings and we skipped out on vacations, just in case I would become pregnant. We saved our money, didn’t enjoy our time because we were stressing thinking we needed to prepare ourselves for our child whom we assumed would be here in months. Those 4 years are a blur. Almost wasted. I was on auto pilot. 

 I let the days fly by all because I was waiting. Nothing else mattered except the one thing I anticipated each moment. I was wrong. Life passed me by. While I waited, I missed out on adventures. Laughter with friends. Chances to be taken. Vacations to be made. Goals that could have been met. Friendships that could have been made.

I pushed everything else aside and made my life…about me.

God wasn’t answering my prayer, but it was my choice to live that lifeless life.

Those 4 years caused me to become weak. I didn’t take care of myself because I thought I couldn’t survive without getting pregnant. I wasted away because I allowed myself to just wait…….

 I don’t get those 4 years back but near the end I began to read the bible more,  well I shouldn’t even say more I should say I started to. I actually read it. Sat down closed the door settled my mind and read.

Job was the first book of the bible I ever read. Job?! I know right?! Don’t people go to the bible to read about uplifting stories and scripture that will encourage us and give us strength? No, I went the book of a man who was tested by God, whom all his friends and family told him to curse out God for all the horrible things that were happening in his life. Job was suffering a great deal and through everything he lost, he still honored God and praised him. Job continually put his faith in the Lord and placed his life in Gods hands. He did not ask why and refused to curse out His name. In the end he was rewarded but what a challenging struggle Job must have gone through. Why? Isn’t this the big question why bad things happen to good people? I do not know the answer to this but this scripture jumped out at me that day.

Job 23:13-14 – “But He is unchangeable, and who can turn Him back?  What He desires, that He does.  For He will complete what He appoints for me, and many such things are in His mind.”

What He desires, that He does.

Ok, well I understand His unconditional love for me.  He does desire me to come to Him and to love him back. He Desires me to grow into a Christ like woman who will take strength in His word.

“What He desires, that He does”.

My thoughts began to scramble and a thought popped into my empty heart.

What if His desire ISN’T for me to get pregnant?

He must have a reason, a plan for me could this not be it? Have I been waiting in an empty room for YEARS when no one is going to call my name?

More movement is happening in my head now and slowly I could feel my heart gradually being pieced back together. He knows us by name, He knows our deepest desires and He placed in my heart to become a mother more than anything else.  All this time I thought He was torturing me when I was the one placing suffering on myself.  

Whatever He has chosen for me, He is going to follow through because our God is unchangeable. His plan is in motion and it’s up to me to obey. This wait took me way to long to figure out my path. It’s exactly what I needed but I think preventing Joy and light to enter those days wasn’t the best way to handle it on my part.

This is the choice you have, If you are waiting, accept the test. Listen to Him, your prayers may be answered in unexpected ways. Listen and trust with your heart. When your search for explanation and long for answers, listen to Him. He longs for us to want a relationship with him. He desires to be with us, grow with us and that includes waiting with us. Remember what He desires, that He does.

 I wait for the phone call and I choose not to live each day as I did in my past. I jump at opportunities. I say yes! I seek out challenges and search for opportunities to grow because if He is allowing me time to be “waiting” for something, I’m going to take advantage of it. These two months have flown and I’m surprised at the fact that I’m able to say that! I follow His instructions and seek guidance at what I can learn next. The bible states we may never know His reasoning for such acts and I struggle with the waiting process on our match in this particular way. In my mind, I know there is no reason to have our child wait in an orphanage for months, when we are ready and even qualified by China to be their parents. This is the time I need to put my trust in Him because His timing is perfect. His timing will bring together my family.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I will not let this phone call empower me. 

So are you sitting in a car with road rage right now?

Are you hiding under the covers because you’re not getting what you want?

Is Your way the Right way? Is the line you’re in not moving for a reason?

No matter what you are waiting for, I pray you find peace. I pray you find the courage to keep living and not place your life on hold. We blame God often and often claim to be waiting on Him.

Could He be waiting on you?

Proverbs 3: 5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. “


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