Make a moment in Your Journey..Be a Powerful one
I deeply apologize for leaving you all hanging. I’ve been learning how to be a mom, how to stay true to myself, how to keep faith first and how to accept that even though Aubrey comes first, mommy needs some self-reflection and alone time too. She has been my number one priority, and even though she still is and always will be, we have started to finally trust one another. Not only did she need to grow to trust Jeff and I, that we will always be there for her, but I also needed to trust her love for me. That when she yells, or chooses dad over me, or when she doesn't want to give me kisses, she DOES love me, and knows I'm her mama. Most photos were with daddy and if mama joined she would lean away sometimes even push me away from her. Bonding and her emotions have been my main focus every day for the past 7 months. She’s happy, she’s safe, she’s even laughing and calling me mom. But for the longest time I could not get past the feeling that she saw me ...